How to Get Help
<The content on this page describes how students can help each other and/or get help from instructors. Examples are provided below. Please revise or remove sections below that do not apply to your course.>
Office Hours
Office hours are available via <e.g. Zoom> <Your Instructor(s) and/or Teaching Assistant is/are> available during these times to help you with your questions and to understand the course material.
What are Office Hours?
Office hours are dedicated time each week where you are invited to your instructor's office, whether online or in person. Office hours offer students a way to connect with instructors about course topics and ideas individually. Please come to office hours when you have questions about the course.
- This time is for you! Please make use of it, and don't feel like you are interrupting your instructor.
- Office hours for this course are Day, Time, Location.
- If you are unavailable during office hours, let your instructor know. I am happy to schedule alternate meeting times. Please email me to set up another time.
Course Discussion Forum
The course discussion forum in <Canvas, Piazza, etc.> is a place where students can interact with each other. You can post questions about course topics, assignments, exam reviews, or other course-related conversations. Conversations on the forum must have appropriate course-related discussions and be respectful to other students and instructors.
Technology Support
Below are a variety of technology support resources available to you.
- DoIT Help Desk: The Help Desk provides free tech support and troubleshooting by phone at (608) 264-4357, by email at, via chat, or in person at 1210 W. Dayton Street.
- Download WiscVPN: A VPN is a "virtual private network". WiscVPN allows you to access University resources without being on campus, and provides an extra layer of security. See how to connect to the WiscVPN.
- If you are experiencing a problem with a UW-supported technology, check for widespread or planned outages.
- UW KnowledgeBase: Search here for help documents for university-supported software, tools, and processes.
Support for Academic Success
Needing extra help during college is normal! There are several units on campus here to support you. Please use the resources below when you need them.
- Academic Support: See all of your options for tutoring, writing help, study skills assistance, and more in one place.
- Academic Advising: Your advisor can help you make decisions about courses, majors, programs, and progressing efficiently toward your degree. They can also help you understand deadlines and requirements when making decisions about your academic life.
- McBurney Disability Resource Center - Apply for Accommodations: The McBurney Center supports students by providing accommodations, like assistive technology or extra time on assignments, to students in partnership with their instructors. If you require specific accommodations to do your best as a student this semester, please contact me as soon as possible, in addition to the McBurney Center. You can send me an email, attend office hours, or speak with me after class. To best support you, I want to speak with you individually about your needs and how I can help early in the semester.
- UW Libraries: Find and request articles and books, access resources online, reserve a study room, check out equipment, or ask a librarian for help with research.
- Writing Center Writer’s Handbook: Citation style guidelines and examples, writing style guides, and more!
Support for Student Wellness
We know that it can be harder to do well academically if we are struggling in other ways. In addition to academic help or technology support, there are many parts of campus that can help support your life beyond class. Use the links below to learn more about the services available to help receive medical or mental health care, find employment, access food or financial aid, and more.
- Center for Leadership and Involvement
- Dean of Students Office: Crisis Loans
- Dean of Students Office: Report an Incident
- Office of Student Financial Aid
- The Open Seat - UW Student Food Pantry
- Student Jobs
- University Health Services: Medical Services
- University Health Services: Mental Health
- University Recreation and Wellbeing