L8 G2 Short Forms in Informal Speech
- Due No due date
- Points 3
- Questions 10
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
Read L8 G2 "Short Forms in Informal Speech" on pp. 191-192. Look at the example below and change sentences into informal speech.
Q: きのう、テレビをみましたか? → きのう、テレビをみた?
A: はい、みました。→ うん、みた。
- Informal speech use short forms at the end of sentences. (きのう、テレビをみた。)
- In informal speech, the だ ending of な-adjectives and noun + です construction is usually dropped at the very end of a sentence, or is followed by sentence-final ね or よ.(メアリーさんは二年生。or メアリーさんは二年生だよ。)
- In informal speech, はい and いいえ are replaced by うん and ううん.
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