Template Survey: Welcome to Class Survey **Customize or Delete**
- Due No due date
- Points 5
- Questions 11
- Time Limit None
<Please update the instructions below, as well as the survey questions, to be accurate and useful for your course. More questions are included than an instructor would typically want to use. Some closed-ended questions are included, which are easier to use in larger enrollment courses. >
Help your instructors get to know you, and what you want and need from our semester together. We will use the results of this survey to help shape our course this semester, and understand how we can best support you. This will be one of several opportunities for you to provide us with your input.
Please complete only those questions you want to. We appreciate all information you are willing to share.
We will share some aggregated information from this survey back with the class. This will include general information about the class as a whole, and will not include specific identifying information about you.
Thanks for helping us get started!