(MAKE-UP) Attend another campus career event
- Due Apr 30, 2021 by 11:59pm
- Points 1
- Submitting a file upload
(If you already completed the make-up assignment "Attend a campus career event," good for you! These campus career events are so important that we are willing to let you double-up on this make-up assignment -- if you attend a second campus career event, you can get one more make-up point by completing this assignment again.) |
As a UW-Madison student you have access to a wide range of career resources right here on campus -- from obvious things like visiting a career services adviser or attending a career fair, to not-so-obvious things like leadership development through student organizations or attendance at a wide variety of guest lectures and presentations that all relate, in some way, to career goals. In this make-up assignment you will identify and take advantage of a UW campus career resource.
Special update: Given continuing global COVID-19 pandemic concerns, please practice "social distancing" and complete this assignment using digital communication tools such as Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, voice calling, or email -- not face-to-face, in-person meetings.
Read this first
- L&S Undergraduate Academic and Career Planning Guide Download L&S Undergraduate Academic and Career Planning Guide
Steps to complete
1. Search. Find another UW-Madison career fair, alumni career event, student group meeting, or departmental lecture that can help you with your career goals, and attend that event. You may find likely events in a number of ways:
- Visit the SuccessWorks web site at https://successworks.wisc.edu/
- Use the UW-Madison events calendar (search for "Career")
- Look at the bulletin boards around campus (especially in the Red Gym and the Student Services Tower at 333 East Campus Mall)
Remember that "virtual" online events count too!
2. Participate. Attend this event and document your attendance in some way -- take home a flyer, get a signed "receipt," print out a screenshot (if it is a virtual event), or snap a selfie.
3. Reflect. Write a brief summary and reflection of the event. What did you learn? Was it stressful to participate, or did you feel confident afterwards? Would you recommend this event to another student, and why? Your reflection should be at least 3 paragraphs long.
4. Turn it in. Upload the files documenting your participation and reflection to Canvas to get credit for this assignment.
5. Share with your peers. Find the Discussions threaded text discussion board for your section and post your reflection as a "Reply" so other students can learn from it. See if any other students respond to your post!
Notes on this assignment
- Many of you will have completed this assignment already over the course of the semester -- if not, talk to a SuccessWorks adviser about opportunities coming up this week (or just visit SuccessWorks office hours to get more targeted advice on your resume -- that qualifies too!).
- Evaluate the experience. Would you attend another similar event in the future?
- Did you know that graduate students are expected to pursue career development resources as well? If you are interested in learning more, read this handout on the Individual Development Plan Download Individual Development Plan (IDP) for graduate students.
To learn more
- L&S Career Initiative student stories Download L&S Career Initiative student stories
- Cross-College Advising Services guide Download Cross-College Advising Services guide
- Career Exploration Center action plan toolkit Download Career Exploration Center action plan toolkit