% Sample of how to load project test data and compute auto and cross % spectra using psdest. % % M.S. Allen, Fall 2020 clear all; close all [data,dinfo]=loaduff; for k=1:length(data); leg_txt{k}=data{k}.d1; end for k=1:length(data); x(k,:)=data{k}.measData; end ts=data{1}.x; %% PSD Estimation [Gyy, ws] = psdest(x.',[14],ts.',2^14,'hanning',0.5,'rs'); figure(1); plot(ts,x); legend(leg_txt) xlabel('time (s)') figure(2); subplot(2,1,1) semilogy(ws/2/pi,abs(Gyy(:,:,1))); grid on; legend(leg_txt); title('Y as Reference') subplot(2,1,2) semilogy(ws/2/pi,abs(Gyy(:,:,2))); grid on; title('Z as Reference'); xlabel('\bfFrequency (Hz)') sdaxsetb([0,25]);