Draft your personal brand
- Due Feb 17, 2019 by 11:59pm
- Points 4
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types pdf, doc, and docx
Mark Anderson (www.andertoons.com Links to an external site.)
At the end of the semester you will present a 90-second "personal brand" speech to your discussion section. This assignment will help you to begin thinking about this presentation by drafting the outlines of your personal brand as an introduction to your professor and teaching assistant.
Read this first
- Tom Peters, "The Brand Called You,"Fast Company (1997). Download Tom Peters, "The Brand Called You,"Fast Company (1997). Original business press article which ushered in the personal branding craze.
Complete these steps
- Write it. First write a brief (about 250-word) description of yourself, in order to help your professor and TA get to know you a little better. Stick with the basics: First introduce yourself by name and explain where you are currently in college and what you're studying. Then say a little bit about your recent past -- for example, where you went to high school and what subjects you liked best, or some things you've done in the last few years that you're particularly proud of. Finish by telling us what you think you might like to do in the future -- such as what you want to major in, other things you hope to accomplish here at UW, or what you would like to do for work after college.
- Review it. Guess what? By writing out this brief introduction, you've just created the beginnings of a "personal brand" description. Now go back and read what you wrote. Remember that your professor and TA will be reading dozens of these brief introductions. Make sure there is something in yours that is unique and memorable so it will be easier to get to know you quickly.
- Turn it in. Once you are finished editing your statement, upload the document to Canvas (as a PDF or Word file). Please bring a printed copy to your next discussion section as well.
Notes on this assignment
- One way to compose your initial personal brand is to use the "present-past-future" method as described on the career advice site The Muse Links to an external site.: "First you start with the present—where you are right now. Then, segue into the past—a little bit about the experiences you’ve had and the skills you gained at the previous position. Finally, finish with the future—why you are really excited for this particular opportunity."
- How does your initial personal brand reinforce and extend what is already present on your resume and your LinkedIn site?
- Is your initial personal brand more about who you are right now, or who you want to become as your career progresses?
- Now that you've written it out, how do you think you'd like to see your personal brand statement change over the course of the semester?
To learn more
- Taking Initiative Student Guide Download Taking Initiative Student Guide chapter 6, "Developing your Social Network"
- Katharine Brooks, You Majored in What? chapter 7, "Working as a Krackel Bar"
- Blaise James, "It's time to brand yourself," Download Blaise James, "It's time to brand yourself,"Gallup Management Journal (2009). Download Gallup Management Journal (2009). Personal branding advice linked to the StrengthsQuest reflection tool.