The flexible, global workplace (45 min)

In lecture we viewed four visions of the technological workplace of the future, produced over the past 75 years:

  • 1950 Remington-Rand UNIVAC I
  • 1968 SRI oN-Line System (NLS)
  • 1987 Apple Knowledge Navigator
  • 2018 Microsoft Productivity Future Vision

Questions to ponder about these different visions of technology and work

  • Who is the intended audience for each video, and what is each video trying to argue?
  • In each video, how is new technology supposed to change the way people work?
  • What continuities do you see between these four videos?  What are the biggest differences?
  • What values or norms about work are being expressed (overtly or implicitly) by these films?
  • Does your selected career community use technology in a way that harmonizes with any of these visions?  What does that mean for you as you attempt to build a career in that field?